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Admission test

To enter the Graduate School in Neuropsychology you must be winners of a competition annually published by Sapienza University of Rome. The notice is normally published between September and October and the access tests take place in November or December. Psychology graduates (class LM-51 or class 58/S) qualified to practice psychology may apply for admission, or able to obtain the qualification in the autumn session of the State Examinations of the calendar year in which the competition is held. Notices and ranking lists are published on the appropriate page of the central site of Sapienza.  The call contains detailed information that varies from year to year, such as the number of places available, the expiry date of the application and the date of the tests. The test results are then published on the same web page.

Some general aspects of the access tests are described below. Please refer to the content of the notice for details.

Possession of the qualification

Applicants may apply for a degree in Psychology (class LM-51 or class 58/S) with a diploma in the practice of psychology. The candidate who has not yet obtained the qualification but who is participating or is enrolled in the autumn session of the State Exams at the time of the issuance of the call may also apply. For example, for the A.A. 2022-2023, you can also apply to anyone who is taking or is about to take the State Examination in the session starting in November 2022. In this case, the winner of the admission competition who is then rejected in that session of the State Examinations will lapse as a student of the School.

Submission of the application

By the date indicated on the notice, the candidate must:

use the InfoStud system (possibly by registering, if you have not previously been registered with La Sapienza) to print and pay the bulletin/application form for the competition; print a receipt to be presented on the day of the written test; submit the qualifications to the School Management by the deadline of the call.


MARIO ROSSI 12345678
1. Degree thesis
2. Self-certification degree with vote
3. Self-certification professional qualification

and you will add three attached files:

The titles must be presented electronically, through a certified e-mail message (PEC). Warning: this method requires possession of a PEC box, which is different from an ordinary mailbox. The Order of Psychologists provides a free PEC box to all members; alternatively, many companies offer a PEC service at very low costs.

The PEC message must have as its subject "Competition admission school of Neuropsychology 20xx-20xx" and be sent to The text of the message must contain the candidate’s first name, surname and serial number and the numbered list of titles submitted; the titles must be sent as attached files. For example, you will write in the text of the message:


Titles to be presented

Each annex to the PEC message must contain appropriate documentation attesting the possession of the relevant title, or a self-certification according to D.P.R. 445/2000 for documents for which the self-certification is legally provided.

In particular, here are the titles that you can claim:

  1. Master’s degree grade: attach a degree certificate with a vote or a self-certification;
  2. Master’s thesis: attach the entire thesis in PDF
  3. scientific publications on psychology: produce a list of publications and attach the full text of the publications in PDF;
  4. postgraduate training courses, post-graduate professional experience, or any other degree obtained after graduation that you intend to have evaluated: attach certifications, certificates or self-certifications.


Applicants are also invited to attach a complete curriculum vitae. However, it is important to note, especially with regard to the qualifications referred to in point 4, that no marks may be awarded for titles mentioned in the curriculum but for which the records do not provide adequate documentation. For example, the attendance of a post-graduate course should not be simply described in the curriculum, but should be accompanied by a certificate of attendance or self-certification, which is then listed in the titles.


Evaluation of titles

Titles are awarded up to 20 points out of a total of 100. The score is awarded as follows:

  1. up to 5 points for the master’s degree grade (0.30 per point from 99 to 109; 4 points for 110/110; 5 points for honours);
  2. up to 5 points for the master’s thesis, depending on the relevance to neuropsychology and the quality of the work;
  3. up to 5 points for scientific publications;
  4. up to 5 points for training courses and other qualifications.
The written test

On the day of the written test, at the place and time indicated in the notice, the candidate must present himself with a pen exclusively in black ink, a valid identity document and receipt of the application.

The written test requires to answer in three hours to eight open questions concerning the following disciplines:

  1. general psychology
  2. physiological psychology
  3. test theory and techniques
  4. neuropsychology
  5. cognitive neuroscience


Assignments are corrected anonymously. This implies that no sign of recognition should be affixed to the delivered protocol sheets which the committee may consider as such. By way of example but not exhaustive, you should not sign the assignment, write in block letters or alternate lines or in any other unconventional way that can be interpreted as a sign of recognition.

The written test is awarded up to 50 points out of a total of 100. Candidates who obtain a vote of less than 30 points are not admitted to the oral test.


The orale exam

The oral test usually takes place the day after the written test, and in any case at the place and date indicated on the notice. The oral exam will focus on the discussion of the titles presented by the candidate and the written test, and on general topics related to the theoretical, methodological and clinical aspects of neuropsychology. The oral exam is awarded up to 30 points out of a total of 100. In the final ranking are admitted candidates with an overall score of not less than 60/100.

Test results

Before the oral examination, the Commission shall inform the candidates of the results of the assessment of qualifications and the written test. The final results of the competition are published only after the formal examination of the documents by the offices and their approval, on this page. Together with the official results will be indicated the peremptory terms within which the winners must proceed to the payment of the first installment and enrolment at the School.

Exam preparation

To properly prepare the written test, we suggest:

  1. for neuropsychology, the Manual of Neuropsychology of Denes;
  2. for physiological psychology and cognitive neuroscience, the Principles of Neuroscience of Kandel or the Foundations of Neuroscience of Squire, or any other similar manual among those used for the programs of the three-year degree programs in Psychology;
  3. for general psychology and theory and test techniques, one of the manuals in use in the three-year degree programmes in Psychology.